Faith & Community
Since 1945

We begin the history of Greater People’s Union Baptist Church by saying “To God Be the Glory” for the good things He has done, and for the things He’s doing right now.

Our Mission

The Mission of Greater People’s Union Baptist Church is to strive to lift up the name of Jesus through praise, worship, stewardship, and evangelism.  We believe that we are called to address the needs of the people and pledge to improve the quality of life as our Savior did. Our church is committed to helping all to find their way to Christ and grow in spiritual maturity. We seek to fulfill this commitment through corporate worship services, Faith, Love, and continuing to minister to the world by the holy spirit.

Our Story



A group of people met at 3rd and “K” Streets, S.E. Washington, DC and organized the Greater People’s Union Baptist Church under the leadership of Reverend L.J. Brooks.


Broke Ground

After growing the congregation and paying off our church building notes under the leadership of Reverend John W. Moses; on April 19, 1976, we broke ground on our new, larger church building


Mortgage Free!

The Greater People’s Union Baptist Church family participated in the celebration of our mortgage burning on March 22, 1992. Our church is Mortgage Free!  We thank God for sending Reverend Moses to us and for our accomplishments under his leadership.


Celebrated 50 Years

In June of 1995, after three nights of spirit filled worship services, we celebrated the 50th Anniversary celebration of this church.


Praise Anyhow

In 2015 our church had a fire and we were out of a church home for four (4) months; and God never left us.  We missed only one Sunday of church service, thanks to Rev. Williams and the St. Paul Church family who let us continue our worship service at St. Paul.


Mortgage Free, Again!

In October of 2021, GPUBC purchased a new facility.  We are mortgage free.  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!

Our History

Founded in 1945

We begin the history of Greater People’s Union Baptist Church by saying “To God Be the Glory” for the good things He has done, and for the things He’s doing right now.  In 1945, a group of people met at 3rd and “K” Streets, S.E. Washington, DC and organized the Greater People’s Union Baptist Church under the leadership of Reverend L.J. Brooks.  God blesses this group in its efforts and the church membership grew.  Later a permanent site for the congregation was sought and through divine providence, 1111 South Carolina Avenue, S.E. was purchased for worship service. The dynamic leadership of Reverend Brooks began to emerge results; influence of the church was felt throughout the community fulfilling the needs of many.

God called our founder Reverend L. J. Brooks, from labor to reward in 1956.  Regretting the loss yet submitting to the will of God, the congregation made the necessary adjustments and sought divine guidance in seeking a Pastor to lead the church to higher heights.  In 1957, the official call was extended to the late Reverend John H. Kenner, who accepted the call and began the task of moving the church forward.  In May 1968, Reverend Kenner left this church for services elsewhere.

Once again, the church was without a leader and sought divine guidance in its search for a Pastor.  On December 6, 1968, the membership met for the purpose of electing a Pastor.  As a result of that meeting, the official call was extended to the late Reverend John W. Moses who graciously accepted the call.  On January 1, 1969, Reverend Moses became our under-Sheppard.  In just one year many wandering souls found their way back to the fold and were added to the church through baptism.  The congregation, under Reverend Moses’ leadership, paid off notes of $11,000 and $7,000 respectively; renovated by adding air conditioning, painting and purchasing new office furniture for our old former church building.  He envisioned the need for a larger building which would comfortably accommodate the growing congregation and provided enhancements for the Christian Education facilities which were needed.  Many devoted members joined Reverend Moses in his vision and began working to help make the vision a reality.  On April 19, 1976, ground was broken for the new church building that God has blessed us to occupy today.

50th Anniversary

The Greater People’s Union Baptist Church family participated in the celebration of our mortgage burning on March 22, 1992. Our church is Mortgage Free!  We thank God for sending Reverend Moses to us and for our accomplishments under his leadership.

After following the leadership of Reverend Moses, we were able to present him with an acceptable retirement package, making it possible to relieve him of the many pastoral responsibilities.

In June of 1995, after three nights of spirit filled worship services, we celebrated the 50th Anniversary celebration of this church.

Although we were without a pastor, God had already made a way.   We were blessed to have in our membership an ordained minister, Reverend Ernest Pitts.  He carried on the activities of the church without interruption until we accepted an Interim Pastor, Dr. H. Wesley Wiley, Pastor Emeritus, Covenant Baptist Church, Washington, and D.C.

In June of 1996, Reverend Ernest Pitts Sr was elected to be our pastor.  On July 28, 1996, installation service was held for Reverend Pitts, making him the fourth pastor of Greater People’s Union Baptist Church.

Reverend Pitts came in with his sleeves rolled up and ready to work.  At that time much work was needed, both spiritually and physically.  He made sure the needed repairs were made and provisions for the handicap, both inside and outside of the church, including transportation.  In December of 1997, the church office was modernized with the purchase of computer equipment and office furniture.  A new speaker system was installed throughout the church.  After 17 years of serving this church, Reverend Ernest Pitts retired.  We thank God for his service may God continue to Bless and keep him


Once again, we find ourselves in the search for a new Pastor.  In October 2012 God blessed us with an Interim Pastor, Reverend James L. Dawkins, Sr., from Saint Paul Baptist Church, Maryland. All Praises and Honor to God, on Saturday, May 17th, 2014 Reverend Dawkins Sr. was elected Pastor.  We are so happy in Jesus for our Pastor Reverend James L. Dawkins Sr.  God not only blessed us with a Pastor that loves to Praise the Lord but with much needed renovation and repairs in and around our church.

In 2015 our church had a fire and we were out of a church home for four (4) months. We may have been out of our church home, but God never left us.  We missed only one Sunday of church service, thanks to Rev. Williams and the St. Paul Church family to let us continue our worship service at St. Paul.  The fire was all part of God’s plan.  He made it possible to have those repairs that we needed.

We had our ceilings replaced in the sanctuary and in the lower auditorium, a new sound system and speakers, new office equipment, new bathrooms and much more. Then the Lord gave Pastor Dawkins the vision to have the ramp repaired not knowing the very next Sunday we would have someone use that ramp to come into God’s house. Shortly after that she rolled down the aisle and joined church. Then her spouse used that same ramp and he also rolled down the aisle and joined the church.

Pastor James Dawkins is still doing God’s work.  God told Pastor Dawkins to go out into the neighborhood to reach the lost souls.  That led us to go out into the neighborhood of Potomac Gardens.  We fed many people with a fish fry. That next Sunday many came to the church and joined. 

Then in 2020 GOD gave Pastor Dawkins a new vision to move his church.  In October of 2021 GPUBC purchased a new facility.  We are mortgage free.  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!