Allison was the first women Ordained Deacon of this Church (GPUBC).  She served diligently with pride and consistency.  She sought to empower women and lead by example.  As she passed away on August 4, 2021 she left a legacy of love, persistence and prosperity for all women to fill in her footsteps.  Allisons’ Closet was birthed by a labor of love for her community.  Wear it with pride and know that GOD is blessing you right now!


To provide slightly used clothing to women that are in need of an exterior esteem boost.  Empowering women with the additional tools that would serve to support a foundation by which to increase self-esteem, leadership, passion and image building.  This resource seeks to serve as the armor or protection and provision of the almighty.

2 Corinthians 9:7

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for GOD loves a cheerful giver.